Seaport-e Contract Vehicle

Contract Number: N00178-15-D-8349

SeaPort-e is the Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, the United States Marine Corp, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) compete their service requirements amongst 1800+ SeaPort-e IDIQ multiple award contract holders.

SeaPort-e also provides a contracting vehicle to support 22 functional areas and 7 geographic zones across the United States. Additionally, support may be provided under the contract to other Department of Defense (DoD), non-DoD, or Joint agencies for related work.

Who Can Use It?

The USN's Virtual SYSCOM (VS) Command to include all NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, and NAVSUP procuring agencies. All US Navy and Marine Corps Commands and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).

What is the Scope?

Engineering and technical services such as R&D Support; Systems Engineering; Modeling and Simulation; Prototyping; System Design and documentation;Software Engineering; RM&A Support; Human Factors Engineering; CM and QA Support; IT Support; Ship Inactivation/Disposal; T&E Support; Range and Instrumentation Support; Acquisition Logistics; Supply/Provisioning; Training; ISE; Installation and Checkout; and Program Office and Administrative Support.

Geographic Zones:

The Osi Vision contract award includes all seven zones - (1) Northeast, (2) National Capital, (3) Mid-Atlantic, (4) Gulf Coast, (5) Midwest, (6) Southwest, and (7) Northwest.

The Osi Vision Team

Osi Vision selected our teaming partners based on our similar client-focused culture, and our combined ability to provide a strong breadth and depth of complimentary services across all the Functional Areas and Performance Zones under Seaport-e.

  • Osi Vision - Capabilities include: Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.6), Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.12), Functional and Administrative Support – Clerical and Administrative Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.21/3.21.1)
  • Unisys - Capabilities include: Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.6), Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.12)
  • Innove - Capabilities include: Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.6), Logistics Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.16), Program Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.20)
  • RRGP Services - Capabilities Include: Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support (Seaport-e SOW 3.6)

Contract Activity

  • Task Orders
  • Technical Instructions

Quality Assurance Program

In addition to our overall focus on a consistent dedication to quality, our Quality Assurance Process (QAP) has a number of procedures in place to ensure that we monitor and sustain quality throughout the execution of all projects and programs. Our Project Managers are responsible for all aspects of their projects, including continual monitoring of project implementation and review of all deliverables to ensure that only high quality products are provided. Their Project Plans must include specific procedures for ensuring quality support and review of products, including the specific individuals that will have review responsibility. Additionally, since the client is the final arbiter of product quality, every Project Plan must include specific procedures for obtaining customer feedback.

Customer Satisfaction and General Information

To reach our Seaport-e point of contact for detailed information on how Osi Vision can meet your needs, please contact:

IDIQ Contract Information: Mr. Dave Henderson;; 210.771.6075

Seaport-e Contacts:

For Seaport-e contacts, please visit the U.S. Navy's Seaport site.